Saturday, May 4, 2024

Younger Democrats More Likely Than Republicans to Support Assassinating Politicians


ANALYSIS – According to a poll by the far-left (SPLC) published June 1, and focused on ‘Hard Right Ideas,' such as ‘White Replacement Theory,' Democrats were actually more likely than Republicans to support political violence such as assassinating politicians they disagree with.

This should provide a wake-up call to Democrats obsessed with the January 6 Capitol riot and Team Biden, which is engaged in its political witch hunt against white supremacists and right-wing domestic extremists.

The far-left is a violent domestic threat equal to, or greater than, anything on the right.

Still, according to the poll, it's not just younger Democrats. It's younger Republicans, too.

The SPLC polling found nearly a quarter of all respondents approved of assassinating a politician. However, what's most worrisome is what's down the road since the numbers get bigger as the ages polled get younger.

This is highly disturbing and shows how incredibly dangerous the political hyperbole and rhetoric in America has become. Most recently seen in the case of the 26-year-old, armed leftist man arrested near the home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh who confessed his intent to murder the justice over . (RELATED: AOC Brags About Blocking Supreme Court Protection Bill After Attempted Murder of Brett Kavanaugh)

In the SPLC poll, the highest number supporting assassination was among Democrat men under the age of 50, where 44 percent said they “approve” of assassinating a politician “who is harming our country or democracy.”

Only 34 percent of Republican men under 50 felt the same and they were the third-largest group approving of assassination.

Surprisingly, Republican women under 50 were the group with the second-highest approval for assassinating politicians, with 40 percent approving of such behavior. Meanwhile, 32 percent of women Democrats also approved of assassinating politicians, an interesting split almost opposite that of the men.

When it comes to threatening politicians who are “harming the country or our democracy,” the numbers are reversed from the assassination issue, with 46 percent of young Republican men supporting threatening a politician and 40 percent of young Democrat men believing the same. (RELATED: Republican Congressman Retiring Out of Fears Over Family's Safety)

Meanwhile, 31 percent of young women Republicans and 25 percent of young women Democrats approved of threats.

In total, only 20 percent of respondents supported threatening a politician. Younger respondents were again more likely to support such behavior.

And what about supporting violent revolution?

Well, here young Republican men were most likely to support “participating in a political revolution even if it is violent in its ends,” with 45 percent approving of such behavior. (RELATED: US Army Vet Parked ‘Small Armory' Near Capitol on 1/6 Riot)

But young Democrat men weren't far behind at 42 percent supporting potentially violent revolution.

And interestingly, 37 percent of young women Democrats and 30 percent of young women Republicans might be budding revolutionaries.

Again, while it's important to note that two-thirds of respondents did not approve of political revolution, the concern is that support for violence grew with the younger voters.

The SLPC poll was focused on these four areas specifically framed to make the right appear more extreme:

However, while the SPLC tried to spin their poll as a warning sign against the right, its own numbers in Section 4 show a far more dangerous mix, where far-left young people are more supportive of deadly violence than those on the right, even if only by a bit.

If this trend continues, it is increasingly likely that much more political violence, threats, assassination and even major civil conflict, might be just over the horizon for Americans in the coming years. ALD

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The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. They also support eliminating all Republicans and are becoming more open about expressing that desire. The leftist indoctrination of our kids is having its intended effect.

  2. Democrats removed all mention of God from their platform so they answer only to themselves on right versus wrong; at least until judgement day where they will answer to Jesus Christ. Therefore, no surprise that democrats are willing to kill those who oppose their lunacy. They want to disarm Republicans to make it easier to kill Republicans. No surprise there either. Democrats are demon possessed.

  3. It would be far easier if there were only 2 clothes colors, Red and Blue. THEN it would be interesting

  4. This is the beginning of the 4th Reich, with Obama in the place of Hitler and Hillary in the place of Himmler. This is a call to arms. I think were’ ready, but I’m not positive.

    • You nailed it! We could see this coming for the last several years. That second American Revolution that’s been talked about for years now is closer and closer to actually happening. When it comes it will be bloody and will destroy these United States of America and make it easier for our external enemies to try and invade our country. What a sad ending for this once great nation.

  5. Anyone who knows the inner workings of the SPLC, who made a big deal about their lawyers beating the KKK in court, and, while theoretically ‘anti-racist’, their principals have lost suits from employees for being racist, sexist and anti-Semitic, also fiscally totally corrupt.
    Any poll results they publish must be held suspect, they simply MUST maintain their facade of being ‘bigot-detectors’, but they called the Family Research Council bigoted and it was attacked by a hopeful ‘mass-shooter DemocRat (most mass-shooters are DemocRat-affiliated), only woundig the guard that took him down. Corrupt as the now-Soros’ funded ACLU.

  6. Regarding the U.S. Congress, I’d assume the fact that there is no current Constitutional way to recall Senators and the members of the House of Representatives, nor is there a term limit imposed on Senators and Representatives, the responders to the poll who appeared to support assassination consider a vigilanti approach as a legitimate action. Appropriate remedies are imposing term limits and providing for timely recall action.

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